Timing is everything when buying and selling stocks. After all, the basic rule of investing in stocks is to buy low and sell high. With stock prices adjusted every minute while the market is open and even after it has closed for the day, you need to time your stock...
Downtrend – How to Spot it and How to Trade it
In today’s volatile world, financial security is becoming more and more of a prominent issue for all of us. We need to figure out how to invest out money so as to milk the good times for all they are worth and to ride out the bad times till they are over. We also need...
How to Get into Trading As a Retiree
With investments yielding poor returns and more and more retirees not having fixed pension plans to fall back on – it should come as no surprise that many are starting to trade. Contrary to popular belief trading doesn’t have to be a time-consuming and...
Trading Online Without Software Download At Finotec
If you are one of the many traders who prefer trading thru their web browsers instead of downloading trading platforms (although download option is also available), you will like Finotec. The company is established in 1998 and since 2001 is offering real-time Internet...