by Jose L. Aguilar | May 28, 2017 | trading
Timing is everything when buying and selling stocks. After all, the basic rule of investing in stocks is to buy low and sell high. With stock prices adjusted every minute while the market is open and even after it has closed for the day, you need to time your stock...
by Jose L. Aguilar | May 3, 2017 | shark investor picks, trading
In today’s volatile world, financial security is becoming more and more of a prominent issue for all of us. We need to figure out how to invest out money so as to milk the good times for all they are worth and to ride out the bad times till they are over. We also need...
by Jose L. Aguilar | May 1, 2017 | supplemental income
Almost everyone can write somehow which makes writing one of the most popular ways of earning alternative income. The main factor determining your probable success is how good you can write and how productive you can be. The good news is that you don’t need to...
by Jose L. Aguilar | Apr 12, 2017 | investing, shark investor picks
2017 has indeed proven to be a turbulent year and many investors are wondering what the markets may next have in store. Whether referring to the relatively fragile state of the Eurozone, the Brexit confirmation or the decidedly dubious track record of the Trump...
by Jose L. Aguilar | Jan 31, 2017 | investing
When people think of disaster, they think of hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes and so on. But disasters are never confined into one category. There’s one particularly infuriating and painful category of disaster: financial. Millions of people got their first taste of...