With over 30 years in finance trading Options, ETF’s & Stocks, Jose Luis Aguilar & many of our amazing Shark Investor authors continue to provide us with excellent financial and wealth management articles, tips, and Books – Online Training recommendations; this of course, sticking with our goal to provide our readers with only key and valuable material that can make them a better and more successful stock and ETF’s (exchange-traded-funds) investor & trader. We will also encourage you to learn and take advantage of opportunities financial options will bring to the table. We feel confident that great books and affordable online training materials can provide you with successful strategies that will last a lifetime. We update and improve our content frequently, so; please continue to check our sharkinvestor.com site regularly. We are committed to helping you, so drop us a line or request; we will reply and comply as soon as possible.
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About Us
The SharkInvestor.com idea and site has been around since 2007 when our Chief Financial Office & Author, Jose Luis Aguilar, Partner with five other successful options traders in finding a way to share tips and suggestions between them in order to become successful traders-investors by taking advantage of the online platforms that finally could be used effectively from the comfort of your home. This because Trading and Investing at home it’s such a lonely job, since there is no one there other than yourself to get advice and suggestions from. That’s why sharing their weekly experiences and documenting them in a Blog made total sense, especially to study their failure, and lessons learn since it sounded like a great idea.
Up to date, it didn’t make sense to keep the information disclosed to other because something that we’ve learned is that there is no magic bullet or secret recipe; the truth of the matter is no one knows the future, and you have to plan for the best, learn your product which it this case is a stock, ETF and/or Option, manage your risk for the worst and always have a plan B.
to learn more…..
Are There Hidden Secrets For Successful Investing?
Sure, there are. Coca Cola owners achieved wealth using a secret formula. Bill Gates made billions investing in a software company offering products with protected source code. And Mr. or Mrs. X is making millions right now using a private/hidden system for Forex trading. But do you believe that there is someone who is hiding good opportunities from you?
Conspiracy theories are for losers, you know it. No one is stopping you from creating wealth, and no, working hard is not the best way to do it.
There are plenty of good investment opportunities out there, which are well known, legal, and available for everyone who is disciplined, motivated, and willing to take reasonable risks.