shark investor news

June Link Love – What Other Bloggers Have To Say

Another hot month is gone - let's see what are the must-read posts within the financial blogs during that time. Trent at The Simple Dollar warns about the problems that addiction causes to personal finance. The Silicon Valley Blogger suggests how to increase the value...

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Welcome My Two Dollars Readers

My guest post has just been published on My Two Dollars blog, so I wish to welcome the fellow readers coming from it. If you just arrived here, let me shortly introduce you The Shark Investor. This is an investment and personal finance blog with a stronger focus on...

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May Link Love (Selected Investment Links)

Ok, here is what I found to be best in the last month in the personal finance blogs I read. By the way I am open to hear about a new blog if you want to share. Just hit the comment and let me know. One of the best articles as usually comes from The Simple Dollar - he...

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Several Investments To Avoid Right Now

Based on the performance of several investments I am watching (many of them are reviewed in the Picks category) I would advice against investing in them at the moment. Here are they: 1. GalleonFX. This year their performance is pathetic. Since my investment in July...

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Welcome to Generation X Finance Readers

As my guest post has just been published on Generation X Finance blog, I wish to welcome the fellow readers coming from it. If you just arrived here, let me shortly introduce you The Shark Investor. This is an investment and personal finance blog with a stronger focus...

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The Carnival of Personal Finance – 151st Edition

I don't often participate in blog carnivals, neither bother you much with them, but this one has some real value. Visit the carnival at USNews and note that my real estate post was also included. You'll see some posts of the best personal finance bloggers there, so...

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April Link Love (Selected Investment Links)

Here are this month's best blog entries about investing and finances. If you have something better, let me know in the comments. The Simple Dollar is intriguing as always and writes How Consumer Culture Undermines Children’s Well Being. Nice stuff. The Silicon Valley...

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March Link Love (Selected Investment Links)

At the end of every month I am sharing with you some good things posted by fellow bloggers. So March is not an exception, the links are below (they all open in new window or tab): Alan reviews Power Forex Managed Account and offers a deal to join with low minimum....

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Managed Trading Accounts News And Updates

It's been few weeks since the last update on the managed trading accounts I am watching or using. If you consider joining some of them, have a look below and see if some of the information is important and can make up or change your mind. FXFarEast firstly reviewed in...

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Jose L. Aguilar - Author

Being able to Invest & Trade on your own is the most amazing road to financial independence & optional retirement. I was very fortunate to have amazing mentors and read many amazing authors, I hope you enjoy my articles & books suggestions which are made with the intent to share my experiences as simple as possible.

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